The atmosphere and the food combine
together to give a distinct personality to best
spice restaurant in Geneva. These
offer authentic and clever spicing that makes the food here a delight to savor.
Blending of spices is so perfect that you remember the food long after you
leave the restaurant. It is Indian cuisine at its best in faraway Switzerland. No
single spice will ever dominate in the dish that you orders so it will be
constantly a guessing game regarding what the chefs have used to bring about
such distinct aroma and taste. Good food, great company comes together with
authentic Indian hospitality to bring memorable experiences for the guests.
One of the things to try out at the best spice restaurant in Geneva
is the baked samosas along with kebabs, and traditionally flavoured, juicy, and
succulent tandoori dishes. The trick of cooking tandoori is poultry and meat
beautifully moist, herein lays the skill and chef secret. Main courses are equally
delicious if not more with the menu covering almost all parts of India as fish
curry from Bengal, potato with green beans, or spinach-lamb accompaniment.
Many of these popular eating joints go for open-plan kitchen layouts.
This ways the chefs and even owners can have direct interactions with the
customers creating a closely-knit atmosphere where food and conversation go
together. This naturally adds to the overall experience that everybody wants to
A world of gastronomic and sensory delights awaits you when you
walk through the doors of Chandigarh Tandoori!